Folic acid in pregnancy - Fast Escrow Refills

What is folic acid?

 Folic AcidGeneric Folic Acid (Folic Acid)  is a type of B vitamin that is normally found in foods such as dried beans, peas, lentils, oranges, whole-wheat products, liver, asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and spinach.Generic Folic Acid (Folic Acid)  helps your body produce and maintain new cells, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer.As a medication, Generic Folic Acid (Folic Acid)  is used to treat Generic Folic Acid (Folic Acid)  deficiency and certain types of anemia (lack of red blood cells) caused by Generic Folic Acid (Folic Acid)  deficiency.Generic Folic Acid (Folic Acid)  is sometimes used in combination with other medications to treat pernicious anemia. However it will not treat Vitamin B12 deficiency and will not prevent possible damage to the spinal cord. Take all of your medications as directed. 

Why do I need folic acid in pregnancy?

Folic acid helps to protect your unborn baby from developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
Folic acid may also help to prevent other birth defects, such as a cleft palate . 
Folic acid is good for you, too, as it works with vitamin B12 to form healthy red blood cells. Not having enough folic acid can cause you to have a type of anaemia. The other, more common type of anaemia, is due to a lack of iron.

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How much folic acid do I need to take?

You're advised to take a daily supplement of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid as soon as you decide to try for a baby. Then keep taking it for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. You should also eat plenty of folate-rich foods. 
If you have had a child with a neural tube defect (NTD), your risk of having another child with an NTD is higher. In this case, your doctor will prescribe a much higher daily dose of 5 milligrams (mg) of folic acid . 
If you are taking certain prescribed medicines, such as for epilepsy, your doctor may prescribe a higher dose of folic acid. That's because these medicines may prevent your body form absorbing folic acid. Talk to your doctor if you have epilepsy and are trying for a baby. 
If you are overweight and have a body mass index (BMI) of over 30, or if you have diabetes, you should also take a higher dose of 5mg folic acid
If you are overweight and/or have diabetes, it increases the risk of you having a baby with an NTD. Women with a higher BMI tend to have lower levels of folate in their blood. So ask your doctor for a prescription as soon as you decide to try for a baby.

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